Monday, November 17, 2008

Green Workshops 101-4 from Winchester City

Don't forget, Winchester's Going Green has a FREE workshop coming up on Monday November 24th at 6:30pm at the Jim Barnett Park War Memorial Building. This one is 101-4 (but you can go to them in any order you wish!)

Click here to get more information and for registration.

Greening the Valley one conversation at a time.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Green Drinks December 4th

The next Green Drinks will be in Winchester!

Piccadilly Brew Pub in Winchester will be hosting our next event. We'll be talking about "greening our holidays" to get the conversation started. Invite your friends, we'll see you there!

Where? Piccadilly Brew Pub

When? December 4th at 5:30ish

Why? Locally brewed beer. Oh, and to learn more about how to love the earth while we're loving all those holiday yummies!

Get directions here

Next meeting will be January 22nd, location TBD. If you're interested in sharing with us a short presentation or speech about something green, please let me know.

Greening the Valley one conversation at a time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Green Workshop 101-3 in Winchester City

Don't forget, Winchester's Going Green has a FREE workshop coming up on Monday November 17th at 6:30pm at the Jim Barnett Park War Memorial Building. This one is 101-3, talking about energy efficiency (but you can go to them in any order you wish!) they're open to anyone, not just city residents, so come out and learn all you can!

Click here to get more information and for registration.

Greening the Valley one conversation at a time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Green Workshops101-2 in Winchester City

Don't forget, Winchester's Going Green has a FREE workshop coming up on Monday November 10th at 6:30pm at the Jim Barnett Park War Memorial Building. This one is 101-2, talking about Solid Waste Management composting, recycling, etc(but you can go to them in any order you wish!) they're open to anyone, not just city residents, so come out and learn all you can!

Click here to get more information and for registration.

Greening the Valley one conversation at a time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Wetland Nature Walk - November 1st

This sounds like fun!

Upcoming Events at Abrams Creek Wetlands Preserve

Fall 2008

Nature Walks with special attention to native plants and migrating bird populations

8:00AM-9:30AM on the following Saturdays: October 18, November 1

Led by Naturalist Jim Smith - meet in front of Children of America, 631 Jubal Early Drive, Winchester, VA.

For more information contact Jim Lawrence at 667-0761 or

Winchester Department of Parks & Recreation at 662-4946

Greenwashing - genuine interest or genuine marketing?

So I've been thinking a lot about greenwashing lately. Greenwashing is the practice of marketing that your products or services are "green" without actually making a commitment to practice sound, sustainable business practices. With all the buzz words around getting so much hype, how do I tell if the product or company is "environmentally friendly" or "sustainable" or "green" or "eco-friendly" or "eco-conscious" or "energy efficient" (you get the idea). AND how do we, as those that are trying to live a little lighter on the earth, keep from being lumped in with the greenwashing crowd if we miss a part of the puzzle in our daily lives? (I don't know about you, but some days, its hard to live in the most eco friendly way, there are only so many eco-issues that I can keep track of at one time)

In the confusing world of green marketing, I'd like to offer this: educate yourself about one issue at a time and start checking into claims of that issue. If a company is making a specific claim about your current pet issue, check up on it. If a product claims to be "made of recycled content" (my latest pet issue) make sure that it actually is (I found out that the only regulation for that is 100% recycled content, so if a product has 1%, it can label itself as "made from recycled materials," a little tricky if you ask me!)

As for local businesses making green advertisements, look at their actions and not just their ads. Sustainability statements are great for that, but not all businesses have them, or even know that they should have them. If you're curious, ask. There are a lot of local folks that are doing the best they can and don't even realize that they're "eco-friendly." I, for one, am more satisfied by claims of "doing the best we can," because I know at least those claims are real.

The Guardian (a great UK news site) has just launched what should be an interesting look at the problem of greenwashing. I plan to make it part of my regular reading. You should consider it too.

Greening the valley one conversation at a time.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Green Workshops 101-1 in Winchester

Don't forget, Winchester's Going Green has a FREE workshop coming up on Monday November 3rd at 6:30pm at the Jim Barnett Park War Memorial Building. This one is 101-1, talking about the basics (but you can go to them in any order you wish!) they're open to anyone, not just city residents, so come out and learn all you can!

Click here to get more information and for registration.

Greening the Valley one conversation at a time.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Green Workshops 101-4 City of Winchester

Don't forget, Winchester's Going Green has a FREE workshop coming up on Wednesday October 22 at 6:30pm at 15 North Cameron Street. This one is 101-4 (but you can go to them in any order you wish!)

Click here to get more information and for registration.

Greening the Valley one conversation at a time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Green 101 - Workshops for FREE

Did anyone know that the city of Winchester is offering FREE green workshops? I just found out as I was cruising the website. There are 4 sessions at several times throughout the winter (we've already missed a few, but that's okay because there will be more!).

Sessions cover everything from the bare basics to an in depth of each:
Solid waste - trash and composting
Energy efficiency - pretty self explanatory here
Water and soil waste - gardening, watering, safe cleaning supplies

Amazing that our city is providing some education for the general public. I'm going to try to make it to these, and you should too. Like I said, they're free to EVERYONE, not just city citizens.

Coming up this month they are:
Wednesday October 15 - 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Wednesday October 22

Monday November 3 - 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Monday November 10
Monday November 17
Monday November 24

Check this site for more information and for registration.

Greening the Valley one conversation at a time.

Local Harvest Days

For the next 3 Saturdays at ZeroPak on Cameron Street, the "Z Street Market" managed by Lea Vittitow, will host its "Local Harvest Days" celebration. 3 Saturday afternoons from 1pm to 5pm (Oct 11, 18, and 25) .

Local produce vendors (YUM!)
Entertainers (YAY!)
Other businesses and agencies involved with fostering local sustainable economy concepts (I have to learn more about these folks!)

These folks will be present to entertain and educate local citizens about the "Buy Fresh Buy Local" movement.

The activities will culminate with the 60 vendor Virginia Organic Producers and Consumers Association "Farm and Food EXPO" 2 November. (more on that later)

It is so exciting to see that the Z-street market is taking off and becoming a great local resource. Personally, I plan to do most of my Christmas shopping there.

Monday, October 6, 2008

October Green Drinks

Camino Real in Berryville will be hosting our next event. Chips and salsa for everyone! We'll be looking at a short video clip to get the conversation started. Invite your friends, we'll see you there!

Where? Camino Real at 16 Crow Street in Berryville, VA 22611

When? October 23rd at 5:30ish

Why? Chips and Salsa! Oh, and conversations about green things with other like minded folks.

Who goes? YOU and all of your friends! We’re hoping that this will be an informal way to meet and engage other like minded individuals in the area. Everyone from every profession and of every age is invited, so please, spread the word.

Get directions

Friday, September 26, 2008

Green Advantage Certification Training

Green Advantage Training is coming to Berryville, VA on October 29th.

From the Green Advantage Website:

"At the local level, commercial and residential owners directly benefit from green building practices:
  • Lower energy bills
  • Lower water bills
  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Healthier buildings and homes
Green Advantage® Certified Practitioners have demonstrated their knowledge about building structures that are:
  • Energy and water efficient for reduced monthly bills
  • Insect and disaster resistant for a long life
  • Healthier for the well-being of its occupants
  • Environmentally friendly for the health of the planet"
This is a great opportunity, if you're in the building community, to be trained in and recognized for your commitment to building greener homes and buildings.

Go to their website for more information and to register online!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Forest Watch Celebration

The folks at Virginia Forest Watch are celebrating their 10th Anniversary.

Local favorite Blue Mule will perform in its own Blue Grass style. .

Readings by nature writers Fred First and Chris Bolgiano.

Silent auction.

November 8, 6:30 pm, Hollins University Chapel.

No cost of admission.

Monday, September 1, 2008

September 25th Green Drinks

Ferguson Bath will be hosting Green Drinks in September. Hooray for free snacks. But more than munchies, hooray for Ferguson's inviting many of their product vendors to come and show off their green wares. Suppliers like Moen, Ecopure, Hansgrohe, KitchenAid, Decorua, and more. It'll be a great chance for all of us to learn more about what green building products are available right here in the Northern Shenandoah Valley. Who knows, maybe you'll find that new, water saving kitchen faucet that you've been looking for. Invite your friends, we'll see you there.

Where? Ferguson Bath 312 Front Royal Pike in Winchester, directions here.

When? September 25th at 5:30ish

Why? Free munchies! Oh, and the eco-friendly product showcase.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Freecycling Rocks!

As I was cleaning out my basement yesterday (yawn, I know) I found a few things that I no longer wanted in my life. Usually with clothes, I donate them to either Goodwill or Salvation Army. But with those random household items, or with things that Goodwill or Salvation Army won't take (like old window sashes, moving boxes, half used rolls of wrapping paper, extra cucumbers from my garden (no, seriously, we've been taken over by cucumbers), yard rocks that you want out of the way of your lawnmower but don't want to use in your landscaping plan, you get the idea) the best way to keep them out of the landfill is Freecycle.

Like the name implies, it's free, it's recycling, and it's local. In the past 3 months, I've given away several items (including a used George Foreman Grill and a wine bottle holder) and I've received some really random stuff (like window sashes from an old building, those will make very nice cold frames for my garden, and an old wooden bowl that is now sitting on my kitchen table holding fresh fruit). In our area, there are two Yahoo groups that have been set up. One is Freecycle Frederick County, VA and the other is Shenandoah Valley North- Freerecylce. If you've got some clutter to clear, or if you have need of something that you think others might have, check out these two groups.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

AUGUST Green Drinks

The next Green Drinks will be Thursday, August 28th at 5:30(ish) pm) in Winchester, at the Virginia Brewing Company in the Zeropak. Go to their website and get directions here

At 6:15, Valerie Cookson-Botto will share with us about "how to avoid toxins on our skin" to get the conversation started. Bring your friends!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July Green Drinks - Thanks and thoughts

Thanks to the Half Note Bar for hosting, to Cheryl Ash for sharing with us about greening our homes on a budget (the 16 points were great little nuggets to get the conversation started), and especially thanks also to everyone who showed up. We had a great conversation, and I saw lots of networking going on (it really does warm my heart to see people passing out business cards and talking about potential collaborations!) If anyone has ideas for a future green drinks topic, something you'd like to learn about, or maybe even something you'd like to share about, please let me know, I'd love to hear ideas and feedback.

Quite a few people asked if Green Drinks was an open or closed event. Great question, and the answer is OPEN!!! Bring friends. colleagues, business partners, clients, kids, parents, grandparents, neighbors, your postman, anyone! And just to help you spread the word, here's a little explanation of what we're trying to do.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Where do we go from here

Thanks to everyone who came out to the June Green Drinks at Brewbaker's!

The question was asked, "where do you see this going, what is your vision for Green Drinks?" Honestly, I've only thought cursorily about this question until that night, at which point I realized that I would LOVE for Green Drinks to become a safe, nonthreatening environment for all of us eco-minded people in the area to bring our non-eco-minded friends. A place to learn about sustainability techniques, technologies, and challenges, but more importantly, a place to learn about what people right here in the Northern Shenandoah Valley are doing to become more sustainable. As someone else mentioned to me later in the evening, "its great to know that we're not alone in our efforts." She's right! It's great to know that there are others in the Valley that really care about the impact of their actions. To that end, if you are doing green things in your home or your business and you want to share with the rest of us about it, please let me know! If you know of someone else that is tackling a green issue in a refreshing way, again, please let me know! I'd love to see Green Drinks become not just another social hour, but a social hour with a purpose. If it becomes a place that you bring your friends to teach them a little bit about your sustainable mindset, that'd be fabulous too!

Thanks again to everyone who came. I know that I am more encouraged in my green efforts for talking with all of you.

Greening the Valley, one conversation at a time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

USGBC coming to Winchester!

The USGBC (United States Green Building Council) will be coming to the area on June 23rd (Monday) 12pm-3pm to discuss the formation of the Blue Ridge Branch of the National Capitol Region. Lite fare will be served.
This informational gathering & steering committee selection will be held in the Lord Fairfax Room of the George Washington Hotel
Winchester Virginia. This is an exciting and welcomed development for our area. All interested parties are encouraged to attend so please pass this on.

A Map and directions can be found by clicking the following link

It would be a great service to our green community to have a branch of the National Capitol Region Chapter here in the Valley!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rain Garden Workshop - Saturday June 14th

Stormwater Management in Your Backyard

Rain Garden Workshop-Training Sessions and Planting

Friday/Saturday-June 13 and 14 (see specific times below)

In conjunction with the 2nd Annual Farm Fun Day sponsored by Frederick County Farm Bureau

If you ever wanted to learn how to design and install a rain garden on your own property, this is a great opportunity. Space is still available -- plus we need volunteers to help with the planting.

What is a rain garden?

A rain garden is a landscaped, shallow depression that is designed to intercept, treat, and infiltrate stormwater at the source before it becomes runoff. Native plants that help retain pollutants are used, and rain gardens at this scale are designed to be both attractive and easy to maintain (homeowner friendly).

What are the benefits of rain gardens?

Rain gardens reduce the stormwater runoff to our local streams.

Rain gardens improve water quality.

Rain gardens help to recharge the groundwater.

Rain gardens replace areas that require mowing with attractive landscape features.

There are many options available in terms of participating in this workshop

You can attend any of the training sessions, come help with the planting, or both.

Session 1: Stormwater management overview and how these small homeowner projects can make a difference

Where: The Herds Inn at Hedgbrook Farm-688 Shady Elm Rd. Winchester, VA

When: Friday June 13, 7:00PM-8:30PM

Session 2: Rain garden design, site selection, site preparation and maintenance

Where: The Herds Inn at Hedgbrook Farm-688 Shady Elm Rd. Winchester, VA

When: Saturday June 14, 8:00AM-9:30AM

Rain Garden Planting

Where: The Herds Inn at Hedgbrook Farm-688 Shady Elm Rd. Winchester, VA

When: Saturday June 14, 9:45AM-Noon (lunch provided)

To RSVP or obtain additional information contact:

Jim Lawrence at 667-0761 or

Friday, June 6, 2008

June 26th!

Come one, come all to the 2nd ever Green Drinks - Northern Shenandoah Valley!

We'll be meeting in Winchester this time, at Brewbaker's on the
Loudoun Street walking mall, on Thursday, June 26th at 5:30 pm.

So what is Green Drinks? It’s a grassroots networking opportunity. Nothing fancy, no membership required, no cover charge, just a cash bar, a bunch of eco-minded people, and conversation. >From Automobiles and Buildings to Recycling and Watersheds and every topic in between, we’ll be talking about all things green.

Who goes? YOU and all of your friends! We’re hoping that this will be an informal way to meet and engage other like minded individuals in the area. Everyone from every profession and of every age is invited, so please, spread the word.

Why? Why not? Basically we just wanted to get together everyone that is trying to make a difference in how we interact with the world around us. Oh, and we plan to have lots of fun while we’re at it.

At 6pm, we'll start making a few introductions.

Everyone suggested last time that we all get to know each other a little better, so instead of a video or a speaker, we'll all be speaking briefly. Now before you get scared, consider this: if there are 40 people that show up and we all speak for 30 seconds, we'll have a 20 minute "presentation" Not so scary, right? So prepare to meet and greet all of your new eco-minded best friends with something short
such as "Hi, I'm (name here), I work for / go to school at / keep my time occupied by (what you do here), and I am green because or interested in green because (your interest here. You can have
multiple interests, but please remember, if we all take 30 seconds....)

Brewbaker's address is 168 N. Loudoun Street, Winchester VA 22601 (for those of you who want to use a mapping program to get there) Parking is free on the street everywhere in Winchester after 5pm.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Green Building 101: Design

You Are Invited to Attend Green Building 101:Design

Join Andrew Grigsby of Commonwealth Sustainability Works & Go Green LLC For Green Building 101: Design

Also Enjoy
Special Guest Speaker: Jeff Feldman will chronicle his experiences while building one of the first straw bale houses in the area.

Green Building 101: Design
The shape, massing, and orientation of our homes and other buildings greatly affect the amount of energy required for heating and cooling. They also affect durability and comfort. Tuning these design elements to use the sun for free heat and light is known as passive solar design. Arranging the rooms of a house so that our daily routines follow the sun allows further use of free energy.

Hope to see your happy faces at Gander Mountain Tuesday May 27th 5:30-? Bring your appetite for lots of yummy fresh organic snacks and coffee provided by Black Dog Coffee Roasters from Summit Point West VA.

First Green Drinks a success!

Thanks to everyone that showed up yesterday at The Olympic Flame in Berryville. I didn't get a head count, but email sign ups totaled about 35 people. Wow. The response was great, and I think some lessons have been learned.

Lesson 1 - email works.
I sent out a few emails to people that know what Green Drinks was all about, and they sent it on. I love the organic nature of personal relationships and how the phrase "pass this on" was taken seriously. Kudos to you for inviting your friends!

Lesson 2 - name tags and email list need to be more clearly marked.
I heard from a few of you that it was a little disorienting to come into the bar and have no clue where things were or what was going on. My apologies, and this will be remedied next time.

Lesson 3 - people just want to talk to each other.
The video clip about water was informative, but I heard from quite a few of you that you were hoping for an atmosphere more conducive to schmoozing and getting to know everyone and what they do that is green. Duly noted, we'll figure out how to make this happen next month.

I believe that the collective intelligence and influence of this many people in the Valley can, in fact, make our community and our world a better place. (idealist moment over)

If you've got any other feedback, any questions, comments, concerns, ideas, please let me know! I would love for this page, and this group, to be something to which we all contribute. There has already been interest from a few parties that might want to host us next month, and that is great. I'd love to be able to schedule a few months in advance so that we can all arrange our schedules accordingly and invite as many friends and associates as possible.

Here's to greening our community!